Buying Advice – Choosing a Plastic ID Card Printer Package

There are numerous plastic ID card printers on the market with purchase prices from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds. However, it’s not only the initial purchase cost you should look at – the day-to-day running costs of a card printer vary across the printer range, allowing for the blank cards, ink ribbons,…

Look After Your Zebra ID Card Printer & Save Money

The current economic climate may result in businesses delaying upgrading their systems or extending their usual maintenance schedules for their electronic systems. This does not mean that ensuring the equipment remains “fit for purpose” and operating at its optimum has to be forgotten as well. You may never have had any security threats but the…

ID Card Printing from Modulus Card Solutions Ltd

ID cards for delegates attending events and conferences are a must, especially if the subject matter is of a sensitive nature. With options including a full service card design and printing bureau, on site printing, printer hire or purchase and a full range of accessories including lanyards and card holders, Modulus Card Printers can offer…

Zebra Card Printer Repairs

Modulus Card Printers Offer Card Printer Repairs Considering buying a new printer because yours isn’t working properly? Have you considered having it repaired or serviced instead? Modulus Card Printers statistics show that of all the Zebra Card Printers we have returned to us only 10% need replacing or are beyond economical repair – which means…

Create Your Own Photo ID Badges and Save Money

In the world like we live in today, photo ID badges are no longer a novelty but a necessity seen in businesses across the country. Many of these badges feature full color photos and printing on both sides. Many include smart card chips, magnetic stripes, bar codes and other pieces of technology that allow employees…